In Loving Memory..


August 14th, 1950-April 1, 2022

Martha was a Daughter, a Sister, an Aunt, a Mother, a Grandmother, and a Great Grandmother. She was a big part of our family and she will be missed beyond measure. She is deeply loved and our family is not complete. We look forward to the day that we will all be reunited in Heaven.

Martha was a prayer warrior, she lived a life of Service and above all she loved God. We miss Martha, we miss that we always had someone to pray over us in times of need and someone to pray with for others. In all things, Martha lived praising God. We honor her memory and we too will live praising God. We honor her memory and we too will live praising God in all things! We praise God that Martha is in Heaven, in the Kingdom of God and we know she is praising God. God called her home and we find comfort in knowing that she is with us in Spirit and we carry her in our hearts. 

Martha loves God and will serve the Lord for all eternity. She is forever loved and her legacy lives in us, Her Beloved Family!


Pray about everything. “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”

Philippians 4:6-7